Results for "E"

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  Title Copies
Effect on the job training methods on employee performance of private organizations in Bahrain 
Year: 2023 
Call No: PR 658.31243 ALH 
E-Government strategy in supporting the agile government of Bahrain case of information and E-government authority  
Evaluating the feasibility of virtual offices for customer service in the public sector in the Kingdom of Bahrain 
Exploring Strategy: Text & Cases 
Edition: 10th Revised ed. 
Year: 2014 
ISBN: 1292002549 
ISBN 13: 9781292002545 
Call No: 658.4012 JOH 
ISBN: 0321604970 
ISBN 13: 9780321604972 
Call No: 330 PAR 
Evaluating the impact of management structure on financial performance of the commercial banking sector in Bahrain 
Employee perceptions of working remotely during the COVID 19 pandemic  
Year: 2024 
Call No: PR 331 ALJ 
Exploring critical success factors of automation procurement process in Bahrain's aviation sector before and after the pandemic: a qualitative study 
Experience acquisition journey: the impact of job rotation on employee's performance within Bahrain's diplomatic sector  
Experience acquisition journey: the impact of job rotation on employee's performance within Bahrain's diplomatic sector